Monday 23 April 2012

You said what?

It has only recently occurred to me how many odd phrases there are in English compared to other languages. 

Idioms such as 'it costs an arm and a leg', 'out of the blue' and 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' have left my Japanese friends and colleagues looking at me like I was speaking another lang...

Anyway, in addition to the common foreigner tactic of talking really slowly and over-emphasising every third or fourth syllable, I've also taken to trying to use the simplest word at all times. Needless to say, this is very tiring and has also caused a couple of people to ask if I had some sort of speech impediment.

When I tell them I don't, they ask me to talk at my normal speed. Unfortunately, I am seemingly unable to do this as I'm so practised in speaking at pedestrian pace.

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