Sunday 5 August 2012

Ice cream bread and octopus crisps

I'm a big fan of English bread and butter pudding, but this Japanese version doesn't look so good. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to literally be a loaf of bread, with the end sliced off, and a pile of ice cream and fruit on top. God knows how you would eat it.

On the same day, I encountered this in a train station stall. What looked like a giant pine cone from a distance turned out to be a pile of Octopus crisps. I may have avoided Japanese bread pudding, but I had to try this one. I asked the woman how they made them and she said it was thin slices of octopus left out to dry and then baked and salted. It definitely tasted 'of the sea', though that may have just been down to the heavy salting. Interesting, but not something I'll be going back for.

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