Sunday 24 March 2013

Naked hijinks and eating eggs cooked in the onsen

I just got back from a day trip to Hakone, a popular onsen (hot spring) area, just outside Tokyo.

I managed to pack a lot of things in - eating a black egg that extends your life, taking a boat trip around Lake Ashinoko and asking another naked onsen customer to take my picture (see below).

Here's a pictorial journey:

Taking the cable car up the mountain to the...'egg cafe'? 

 The egg, cooked in a volcanic onsen, which turns the shell black and gives it a strange sulphuric smell. Yum.

Donning the yukata again:

Mount Fuji in the distance:

The faux-pirate ship I cruised the lake in. It was formed over 3000 years ago after a volcano exploded.

Solid advice:

Monday 4 March 2013


The weekend just gone, I went to a UFC event. The first few fights were quite dull (plenty of rolling around, with little clarity as to who was winning), but in the final fight, a scary Brazilian guy did this to a not-as-scary American guy (about 1.56 into the video).