Friday 25 May 2012

Tokyo keepers catch fugitive penguin

The Japanese nation breathes a sigh of relief as the fugitive penguin that escaped a Tokyo zoo has been caught after two months causing havoc in the city. Thanks to my bro for spotting this hugely significant story that I hadn't even heard about, despite living in Tokyo.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Virtual hostesses - why go out when you can stay in?

While innocently searching the web for work-related information about mobile gaming platforms, I came across this: virtual hostess clubs. If paying women to just sit and talk to you wasn't odd enough, you can also do it from the comfort of your mobile phone. Very odd.

Sunday 13 May 2012

I was so hungry, I ate a horse

The other day I went to one of my favourite bars and noticed that they had horse meat sashimi on the menu. I had to try it.

The meat was really good quality and had a richer flavour than beef, but not as rich as venison.

Despite this, I couldn't get the thought out of my head that it was wrong to eat horse as they are pets. And I kept getting visions of the horse being slaughtered (this has never happened to me before when eating any other meat).

I also wouldn't recommend the spleen (the paler piece on the left of the dish). That bit was truly gross.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Smuggling peanuts

A Japanese company has unveiled a new bra. No big deal you say? Well, let me tell you it has built-in ice packs, a wind chime and sprig of mint to help keep women cool this summer. I have no idea how the final two things help, but according to the manufacturer, it's 'by way of its refreshing fragrance and sound.'

Ladies, I'll let you be the judge.

Monday 7 May 2012

Hello Kitty has landed, but not in Japan

A friend from New Zealand shared this with me: a Taiwanese airline is now offering Hello Kitty themed flights. I can't believe this isn't available in Japan yet!